(A moment of beauty can feed one’s soul for a life-time.)
Thirty-five years after experiencing a particular day in the Rocky Mountains, Annora Brown’s amazing memory continued to feed her soul as she wrote about it in her autobiography Sketches from Life (1981).
She told of how a narrow plateau on the edge of Cameron Lake challenged her to climb up to “a hidden heaven”. On that plateau the artist found a rainbow of wildflowers blooming beside a tiny glacier-filled pond. What she saw was a heady experience – the cold snow alongside the warmth and colour of the flowers. Bumble-bees and hummingbirds speckled the scene, and a white-throated sparrow sang through the clear mountain air.
“I felt very humble”, Annora wrote noted, remembering how she found respite from all the news of the World War II tragedies that echoed around the world.
Her trip down what had been a dry rocky stream bed that morning, was now “a rushing torrent” of snowmelt. The icy torrent over the slippery rocks brought Annora back to reality. But the marvel of those hidden moments on the mountain ledge remained heaven-sent.
We catch glimpses of similar life-giving moments written in Scriptures through the songs of the Psalmists. More than 3,500 years ago, they too told of a gracious and caring Creator who was enchanted by beauty.
Look at the marvels you have done, the Psalmist said of God. “You cover yourself with light as a garment … You make the clouds your chariot, riding on the wings of the wind … (You make) fire and flames your servants.” Grass grows for the cattle, and wine and bread give us strength because of you. “Bless the Lord, oh my soul … I will sing to the Lord as long as I live.” (Psalm 104)
To this day so much of our world is overtaken by anger and angst, by furor and all that it unsettling. And it is true that we can never immerse ourselves in an ever-lasting spa of beauty.
But like Annora, and like the Psalmist from of old, all of us can catch momentary glimpses of beauty that touch the very centre of our being. Such moments give us strength beyond our own strength. They give us peace when the going is hard. They help us laugh when our other alternative might be to cry.
“May the Lord give strength to (the) people! May the Lord bless (the) people with peace!” (Psalm 29)
(see www.annorabrown.ca )
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